Monday, December 24, 2007

I am not complaining. This is honesty.

Should you overlook small things for the larger picture? Or do the little things really kill?

I think its funny how people assume they have the perfectly right thing to say to you and once they present it in all of its false grandeur you look at them, then smile and nod.
Not exactly the reaction you desired, huh?
They think they have stumbled upon an earth shattering concept that will help you greatly, and its only something you've heard other countless times. Women (some) are notorious for doing this with me. They think they have you figured out completely, and respond based on what they THINK they know about you. I am not trying to sound arrogant or prideful...but I am not a typical guy, and I think the clones running around have ruined it for me.
People who have true epiphanies and things that genuinely encourage you or spark some realization, almost never have to draw attention to them. The words (or actions) fall almost in passing, and the impact is slow and profound.

Every time I think I have someone figured out, its usually because I've stopped paying attention. When you step back and truly listen, or truly pay attention, there are constantly new things to learn. I love learning about you.

This is not talking about one specific relationship, but rather all of them. Even with spirituality, if ever there was a time when I thought I had it figured out, or understood how God worked, He then proceeded to show me that I had no clue. This usually was not because He did something new or different, but usually because I actually stopped to listen to what he had to say to me and about me, instead of what I had to say about Him.

I wonder if I am as capable of my goals here as I would be somewhere else. Reverberating echoes of the word "No" follow keystrokes.

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