Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I did this, and the list I received is below. Funny, Columbia is not anywhere on the list. I knew that before the website told me. There are some great places on this list, and even some places I will likely be inhabiting sooner rather than later.

Without further adieu, the top 15:

Seattle, Washington
Honolulu, Hawaii
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Anchorage, Alaska
San Bernardino, California
Las Vegas, Nevada
Portland, Oregon
Ogden, Utah
Missoula, Montana
Santa Barbara, California
Denver, Colorado
Hartford, Connecticut
Palo Alto, California
Tacoma, Washington
San Jose, California
What challenges your faith?

This could never be summed up in a word, or words, or sentences. This list broadens continually as I struggle to find God everywhere.

At the very top of this list would be my interaction with people that share the faith I have. This doesn't always mean we are sitting down discussing the underlying meaning of I John 1:9, or trying to convert lost souls. I am learning more and more just how closely ALL of our relationships give us insight as to how to relate to God through a spiritual relationship. This challenges my faith incredibly, because now I don't see relationships as just what I can get out of them. Nor do I see them for simply what I can give. Rather it becomes a unique interaction that is also a glimpse into how we relate to God. I need these types of relationships and relationships in general...even with people you don't get along with...this will even present pictures of how we sometimes relate to God.

I am challenged when I get outside of myself and become others centered.

I am challenged spiritually by encouragement. When someone notices a characteristic in me that is Christ-like, I don't put on the cruise control, thinking I am doing good. Rather, it makes me want to push even more to remove dirt from my life and exemplify even more Christ-like traits.

I am also challenged spiritually by criticism. I try to take the Proverbs 9:9 mentality as much as humanly possible.

My parents used to always say, "Die to the compliments, and die to the criticism." Meaning, don't become puffed-up or self-righteous following compliments, and don't become apathetic following criticism. I try to take the truth from either, and learn what I can. Trying to isolate truth from the emotions of compliments and criticism is always challenging to your faith. To quote Jimmy, "Don't accept critique or credit."

I could keep listing things that challenge my faith down to the smallest details, because when you pray and struggle to find Him everywhere, you begin to notice just that. But, these were some of the larger points that came to mind.

What weakens it?

Just as I struggle to make the first list longer, this would be a list I struggle to shorten. I don't want to be swayed by the trivial things in life. I don't want a distraction to cause me to miss the bigger picture.

That being said, there are some things that have the tendency to discourage my faith. A large thing there is when I see others no longer conscientious about anything spiritual. That discourages me. Even if I feel great spiritually, it is very important to me that others share in that. I am not content to be one of those people where "Its just me and God, and we're fine."

When I am surrounded continually by shallow people, and I cannot have a conversation of depth or discuss any spiritual matters after a length of time.
When I am not serving or doing any good for the kingdom at hand.
When we as the church are doing nothing to impact the community.
When I am selfish.
These are all things that can have a negative impact on my faith.

Of course, Dishonesty can deal serious blows to my faith, as truth is very, very important to me. Dishonesty leads to distrust, and when I lose trust in human relationships, invariably my spiritual relationship follows. This is not immediate of course, but definitely happens over periods of time after losing trust in someone.


Listen...just listen. Throw away your opinions and your ideals for a moment and hear what I'm saying. I don't need you to offer solutions or tell me where I'm wrong. You know this. I will arrive at the proper conclusion, often without your prodding. You speak before I have even finished explaining the details of the situation, thinking you have heard or seen this scenario before. You're just waiting for your turn--not hearing.

I really hate it when people try to speak with authority on something they know nothing about.

I really hate it when people think they know me and therefore think they know how I interact across the board.

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