Tuesday, March 18, 2008


You are so beautiful.


I fear that you have left me forever-
No one remembers you.

You are at the forefront of my mind and occupy my thoughts continually. Like a wonderful dream, I want to recall the memory and think on it until I have used up all of the inertia it brings. You do not wain, yet I am afraid you will.

In the absence of you, I cannot continue.

I will surround myself with those who remember you, and think of you always. Without them, I will also forget you quickly.

The greatest fear approaches the farther away you are.

Monday, March 17, 2008

When the time we have now ends

Men: Start acting like men. If you have not established this by now, your security must come from something other than her. It must come from something other than your job, your car, or your khakis. Don't misunderstand me--Its alright to be vulnerable, honest, and to show pain. But when this is the forefront of your conversations, actions and emotions, you become inwardly focused, and a annoyance to people around you. Begging for attention, affection or respect will never get you any of them. The single best thing you can do is be secure in who you are in Christ. Make your spiritual relationship the important one. This will lead you to act in love, and in love there is no selfishness, no fear, no jealousy. There is little appealing about a Christian, save for Christ himself. Human nature propels us towards selfishness and insecurity, but Christ compels us towards Him, and towards security.

This all does not serve to say that you must be a man without feeling. That is not at all the case. Because being a man has little to do with being macho, and everything to do with embracing the security of having a first love that does not occupy this earth. If you come to realize that as the only one thing you need, then your life and actions will mirror that security.

Get outside of yourself.

True life is found in giving your life away.

Give to someone who needs your time, attention, affection or money this week. Even if those are your very needs. Many of those needs will be satisfied in you simply from your giving.

That being said, I am not sure of all the steps, nor do I have all the answers. These are simply the truths that I have seen at work in others, and in myself. These are principles that have solved problems. I can guarantee you that you are not the only person to feel this way, and you are not the only person who understands. It's been done before...It's been far worse before. Its been conquered before.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Know your blood type.

Do you guys know your blood type? If you have B or O, definitely consider donating for the burn victims in Augusta.

If there is not adequate blood supply and flow to tissue near burns in a short time following damage, repair becomes very slim. I don't know anyone affected, but I read this article and felt compelled to try and help assist them.

God Bless